Malware is any sort of file that is harmful to your computer. This post looks at how we can protect ourselves from malware.

Phishing for data
When cybercriminal goes phishing, they bait their line with a seemingly legitimate communication and hope to reel us in.

App safety
Did you know that cybercriminals may create an app that looks very similar to a popular one but with some hidden malicious extras.

Public wi-fi networks - handy or hazardous?
Connecting to an open, free wi-fi network might sound great but can leave you open to your data being intercepted.

Passw0rd! Security
A review carried out by the National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ) showed that millions of people are using incredibly simple...

The weakest link?
Billions of stolen identity records were circulated online in 2018, according to a new report. It seems that hackers are increasing...

Gone phishing
Microsoft has reported that phishing attacks increased by 250% in 2018. What is phishing? Phishing is an attempt to get information such...
Are you ready for GDPR?
Let's start with a disclaimer - please bear in mind, that we're techies not lawyers so this isn't legal advice. The General Data...